Monday 2 September 2013

20 de agosto de 2013

Viaje al pueblo de Cobh, último puerto donde atracó el Titanic antes de hundirse...

19 de agosto de 2013

Comienzan los cursos de inglés. Nos espera un intenso día de viaje hasta llegar a nuestro destino: Midleton

"We arrived in the quaint town of Middleton on Monday the 19th of August.  It was a cool and breezy day; clouds and mist still clung to the hilly fields.  It was a green landscape full of wonder.
Our journey began at the Dublin airport, where we hopped on a bus and travelled for three hours to this scenic town. We passed cows, farms, horses, sheep, and many other beautiful sights as we traversed across the countryside. Then we arrived at AnStor, a small but cosy hostal where we're now staying."